

I started to make this blog back in early 2000 before YouTube. There are many YouTube docos now showing what I have seen for a long time.
We humans are an awful, wicked animal. There is no other way to explain us!
If you cannot see it, you are blind and naive



If you really want to see what we humans are, I dare you to watch the documentries called;

EARTHLINGS - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDdlDYWG7no

All people should see this and it hould be played in schools. You cannot turn it off and have to watch the full doco ot of respect to animals.
Today while walking on the beach I noticed a few seaguls without feet hoping around. I just assumed it was some sort of fish biting off the feet while they were in the water.
Sadly, next to these footless seaguls
were some with large feet (from swelling) that had fishing lline around the feet. It would not be long before their feet would drop off also. Farmers use this method to dock tails on sheep using elastic bands applied with a plier.


Plastic fantastic

An open-air garbage dump tarnishes the sapphire coast of Barrow, Alaska. Trash that makes its way into the oceans decomposes very slowly, littering coastlines, polluting ground water, and harming marine creatures that mistake the trash for food

The decomposed carcass of this Laysan albatross on Kure Atoll, which lies in a remote and virtually uninhabited region of the North Pacific. The bird probably mistook the plastics for food and ingested them while foraging for prey.

Rip Rip wood chip

The state of Rondônia in western Brazil is one of the most deforested parts of the Amazon. In the past three decades, clearing and degradation of the state’s original 208,000 square kilometers of forest (about 51.4 million acres, an area slightly smaller than the state of Kansas) has been rapid: 4,200 square kilometers cleared by 1978; 30,000 by 1988; and 53,300 by 1998. By 2003, an estimated 67,764 square kilometers of rainforest—an area larger than the state of West Virginia—had been cleared.




you guess!

War, it's man against man! oh and anyone else in the way

The true face of WAR...........Ali Ismail Abbas, 12, wounded during an airstrike, lies in a hospital bed in Baghdad, April 6, 2003. Abbas was fast asleep when war shattered his life. A missile obliterated his home and most of his family, leaving him orphaned, badly burned and blowing off both his arms. 'It was midnight when the missile fell on us. My father, my mother and my brother died. My mother was five months pregnant,' the traumatized boy told Reuters at Baghdad's Kindi hospital. 'Our neighbours pulled me out and brought me here. I was unconscious,' he said on Sunday.

Sorry, but these things are happening, don't turn away

Bacon Egg Burger please

Talk about caged chickens!!!
Millions of farm animals are breed behind the closed doors of factory farms. They are crated, crammed or confined. Often kept in conditions of utter deprivation. They are treated as little more than production machines.

And we complain that chickens are too expnsive...yes, we all are to blame for why farmers need to treat animals as nothing that is living.

Just Trigger happy

Death of one of the last Indian Chiefs BIG FOOT, killed because the army had no control....

They were members of the band led by Chief (Big Foot Shown here) Spotted Elk, Sioux, who were participating in the Ghost Dance, a religion descended in parts from Christianity and Native beliefs. They had been marched to Wounded Knee Creek and disarmed by the US Army. A group of 120 men and 230 women and children were counted by Major Samuel Whitside at sundown December 28, 1890.

Hungry and exhausted the Native people had assembled under armed guard as requested to receive the protection of the Government of the United States of America surrendering their arms and submitting to a forced search of tents and teepees that yielded but two remaining rifles. An unidentified shot rang out and the well armed 487 U.S. soldiers ringing the defenceless people opened fire. Later in a private letter, General Nelson A. Miles who was commanding officer had this to say:

"Wholesale massacre occurred and I have never heard of a more brutal, cold-blooded massacre than that at Wounded Knee. About two hundred women and children were killed and wounded; women with little children on their backs, and small children powder burned by the men who killed them being so near as to burn the flesh and clothing with the powder of their guns, and nursing babes with five bullet holes through them....Col. Forsyth is responsible for allowing the command to remain where it was stationed after he assumed command, and in allowing his troops to be in such a position that the line of fire of every troop was in direct line of their own of their own comrades or their camp"- [ Nelson A. Miles to George W. Baird, November 20, 1891, Baird Collection, WA-S901, M596, Western Americana Collection, The Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut.]

The Sioux dead were left where they had fallen and a blizzard swept the wasteland for 4 days. Meanwhile, wagon loads of wounded Sioux were taken to Pine Ridge Agency where they were treated at the Episcopalian mission. Lying on hay spread on the mission floor they were in plain sight of the words written above the Christian pulpit, "Peace on Earth, Good Will Towards Men".

The Indian people had begun a Ghost Dance religious ceremony, which called for the return of the old ways of the Indian people. The date was December 29, 1890, four days after the celebrated birth of Jesus Christ and over 250 years after the Pilgrims arrived in this country seeking religious freedom. Ignorant of the meaning and significance of the Ghost Dance, and wanting to see dead Indian children, women and men, the waiting well armed professional army had opened fire with howitzer automatic guns carbines. They followed those who ran under cover of the gun smoke into the ravines and shot them regardless of their age.

Big Foot as a living Leader

What a waste


I’m not sorry if it offends you, if you have never seen animal testing before, you were blind...ah the thing we do to give us comfort!


This beast has been beat, and the all mighty man has done it, pity the animal cannot hold a weapon and fight back, or have the ability to understand the reason why he is being stabbed with a spike......

Yes while we become fat..others starve

As soon as the image is open to the public it brings the viewer in the position of an observer. In a century which is arguably the most violent and cruel in human history, photographs testify to the horrors that have occurred, all of which seem to be so far away from our nice society.


We did it, you may not have killed it yourself, but if a shark kills a human, we say sharks did it....well humans did this...get it


This pelican is just one of thousands of birds that are affected by fishing lines and hooks every year. I was going to show you a worse photo, one with about 10 hooks through its body but this proves a point...are you ashamed?


This is murder; the killer of these gorillas describes how he killed them..."I shot the big male as it charged me. The baby was on the mother's back, and when she turned around to look at me the baby did, too." He does an imitation of a tiny scrunched face peering at him.
"I shot her in the face, and the bullet went through it, too -- bouf! One bullet, two gorillas!" he concludes triumphantly.
He laughs. "Why do you want to protect gorillas? They're just animals."..I say why protect humans, as we are just animals to…


This is a magnificent whale that is going to have its life cut short from this entangle of fishing net wrapped around its massive body. The fishing ship that the net belongs too, just cut the whale free from the ship and then left without trying to cut the whale free. On the Gold Coast, we have the same problems with whales being caught in nets, and guess what the nets are for, to protect human against sharks, but anyone who knows what the nets look like, know, they don’t protect people because they are only sections spread over a distance with many large gaps in between. The nets are only a sales ploy saying to the tourist’s “our beaches are safe”


These next few photos are just few pets that have been abused. Many people put a collar or chain around a dogs neck. Then the collar cuts into the dog's neck causing infectious wounds. When people put a chain on a dog, they make the chian like a noose, and if the dog pulls to hard, the chain becomes tight, and then this happens.

Pets should not be sold at shopping centres where kids can make their weak parents give in and buy an animal just to keep the kid happy. So many people around where I live have dogs, but they, the dogs are all home alone, bored, most of the time, why do we need pets if we are not going to treat them with the respect they need? It’s the typical taught human guide to happiness, have a few kids, a dog and a white picket fence, ah, that makes you a human, I’m ashamed…


Here is saying done by Red Dog
"We are all poor because we are all honest."
-Red Dog-
Oglala Sioux

It seems fitting even in today’s world of greed, the nicer you are, the worse you get treated, I have always said that it is hard to become wealthy by being kind. Life is like a game of Monopoly, the crueller you are, the better chance of winning.


This boy, who was burned to death with his hands placed on his chest, leaving an impression of agony, is believed to have been a mobilized student exposed to the A-bomb in Iwakana township, which is about 700 meters from the hypocenter.

Did the USA really need to bomb a city to prove it had a weapon of mass destruction? It could have dropped it in the ocean or like to prove it had the power. In my mind it did not need to kill innocent civilians by dropping it in a city. Do we remember this day as an act of TERRORISM?


This young man of African descent was tortured severely then slowly burn to death. All for the entertainment of the smiling whites standing around. I hope this event stayed with them till they died!

Billy Joel - "The World's always been kinda messed up, it was messed up before I was born, it was messed up during the time that I lived and it will probably be messed up after I'm gone. That doesn't mean you don't try the best that you can and make this a better world"


We humans love sport, we love to gamble, we love victory and winners not matter what costs. What we do not care about are the losers. What is it in our makeup that finds putting 2 animals in a cage to fight to the death seem like fun, ashamed? I am


Today, thousands of landmines lay unexploded, that is of course until kids like this step on them while looking for them, so they can sell them, to make money for food, interesting hey!. First world countries could help rid places of landmines, but no, it's left up to volunteers and charities to find and dispose of them.